In Memory

Mark Stephenson (Deceased)

Mark Stephenson (Deceased)

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05/22/22 11:20 AM #1    

Brian A. Paulsen

Mark and I met at the end of our elementary school years. He wanted to create a rock band. I had a bass guitar, part of my professional musician father's inventory. So I became the bass player, though I'd never actually played it. We started with the basics, a name. Warlocks, Atom Smashers, a number of other names were either taken or not right. We needed something different. So Mark and I went to the dictionary. Nothing in the A's. Midway through the B section we came apon "Berkshires" both a mountain range and breed of pig. That seemed to Mark and I to fit somehow. And the band "The Berkshires" was born. all we needed was a drummer, guitarist some equipment and a lot of practice. Kevin McCallum joined us as the band's drummer and Scott Matthews on Guitar. Scott was methodical and talented. Kevin was energetic and always up beat. Mark was determined to make practice sessions happen and get us gigs. I practiced. We were together for about 3 years and did play at a number of events and school functions. Garage band top 40.  Mark and I were close friends during those years stradling elementary school and high school. Mark was always ahead of me socially. He attracted girls, I did not. As we merged into High School Mark and I drifted apart. Though remaining on good terms with each other. After high school we would run in to each other periodically. I was college bound, Mark went to work. We did have an evening together at a party at his house in Mt. View. He had invited me. That was years ago and the last time I saw Mark. I have never heard what caused his death, though drink and cigarettes may have been at play? Good times my Berkshire brother. Rest in Peace.

05/23/22 12:26 PM #2    

Eric F. Weitzmann

Very sorry to hear this news about Mark, but what a nice eulogy by you Brian. I remember The Berkshires well. You played at Egan dances quite often, and were really good! Rest easy, Mark Stephenson

05/24/22 11:19 AM #3    

Karen S. Kaplan

I didn't know Mark Stephenson, but thanks for sharing your heartwarming, creative and wonderful story. It was great to read about how your band was formed. Condolences, Karen Kaplan


05/24/22 06:01 PM #4    

Nancy Hawkinson (Oberst)

Although I didn't know Mark very well, we were in several classes together and I enjoyed that connection. Thank you for your comments. I did not know that Kevin was the drummer in the band. Take care everyone.

Nancy ( Hawkinson) Oberst (LAHS '72)



05/29/22 01:28 PM #5    

Robin A. Gallo

Where DID the time go?  
I'm thinking that Mark (?) and Eric (?) and I camped on TOP of Yosemite's Half Dome those many years ago?  I had just finished sewing a Frostline Down jacket and wore it. LoL.   Think I came across an old photo. I'll see if I can find it. 
   Darn brain cells going going gone. 😯. RIP Mark. 

05/30/22 12:29 PM #6    

Eric F. Weitzmann

Robin, I don't think that that was me, but if you can come up with the pic (s) that would be great. A "Down" jacket would have been pretty new back then. Cool that you made your own.

05/30/22 04:19 PM #7    

Nancy Hawkinson (Oberst)

Those Frostline kits were really great!


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