In Memory

David Tsukushi (Deceased)

David Tsukushi (Deceased)

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02/05/12 08:49 AM #1    

John J. Troidl

Hey folks...... unfortunately Dave died in a boating accident a number of years back.  I do not know many of the details and could not find a modern obituary on the internet.

I do know that we all enjoyed having Dave on the Varsity Soccer Team for Los Altos High.  He was a skill player and a great guy to have on the team!  Great personality and a real competitor.  

02/06/12 11:47 AM #2    

Steven C. Berg


It has been about 17 years now that Dave left us. My memories of him are a huge part of my high school days.

    Memories of Dave and I on the bus rides to track meets, laughing instead of psyching up  for the upcoming event, listening to the Doobie Brothers full blast in our living rooms when our parents were not home, working out in his garage, and going to the Mayfield mall to look for girls. 

    Dave was always upbeat, positive, competitive, funny and overall a quality individual. Dave didn't have an enemy in the world. Everyone that knew him, liked him.. Me, I loved him..




05/27/12 01:23 AM #3    

Ron Sera

Aside from knowing Dave from school and varsity soccer, I also worked with Dave as a carpenter (Ota construction).  Later I worked for Dave when he became a general contractor. He built fine, up scale homes and remodels that he took should pride in. He was an intense, but an extremely fair boss who always treated his workers he did with all his building projects.  Tragic accident leaving us all heart broken, especially his wife Kris (class of 73)


06/06/12 01:14 AM #4    

Richard W. Nowels

i remember dave...i think he was at covington too, am i right?

good guy. sorry to hear. life is short enough without departing early!!

rip dave.

mayfield mall forever!!

rick nowels  

santa monica june 2012


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